Invited Talks:
Dr. William T. Plummer
- "Conditions on the Planet Venus" W.T. Plummer and J. Strong. Moon and
Planets Session of the Am. Geophys. Union Mtg., Washington, DC., April 22, 1966.
- "Infrared Studies of Mars and Venus" W.T. Plummer. Symposium on Planetary
Atmospheres, NASA Goddard Inst. for Space Studies, New York, March, 1970.
- "Method of Measuring Surface Micro-ripple of Finished Optics to 10-Å
Accuracies" C.V. Muffoletto and W. Plummer, Opt. Soc. Am. Spring Mtg. 1971.
- "Optical Component Design for the New Polaroid Land Camera" W.T. Plummer,
Opt. Soc. Am. Fall Mtg., San Francisco, Oct. 1972.
- "Testing of Lenses for Polaroid Land Photography" R.F. Weeks, W.T.
Plummer, L.K. Ting, N. Gold. Opt. Soc. of Am. Fall Mtg., Rochester, NY., Oct. 1973.
- "Rapid Evaluation of Extended-Field Photographic Quality of Lenses"
W.T. Plummer. Seminar-in-depth on "Image Assessment and Specification",
jointly sponsored by the Opt. Soc. of Am. and the Soc. of Photo-Opt. Inst. Engrs.,
Rochester, May 21, 1974.
- "Solving Quality Control and Reliability Problems with Optics" W.T.
Plummer. Panel Discussion at S.P.I.E. seminar at San Diego, Calif., May 1975.
- "Fast Automatic Lens Testing for Extended-Field Image Quality" W.T.
Plummer. S.P.I.E.-Sira Inst. course on Quality Assurance in Optical and Electro-Optical
Engineering, Delft, Sept. 1975.
- "Optics of the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera" W.T. Plummer. Joint meeting,
local chapters of the Opt. Soc. of Am. and the Soc. of Phot. Sci. and Engrs., Lexington,
Mass., Jan. 22, 1976.
- "Optical and Mechanical Intrigue in the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera"
W.T. Plummer. Boston chapter A.S.M.E., Dec. 9, 1976. Burlington, VT, A.S.M.E., April
21, 1978. Central Mass. A.S.M.E., Westminster, Mass., April 19, 1979.
- "The Martian Surface: Other Evidence Suggesting Carbon Suboxide" W.T.
Plummer. Viking Conf. on Simulation of Mars Surface Properties, NASA Ames Res. Cent.,
Calif., May 5-6, 1977.
- "Replicated and Plastic Optics" W.T. Plummer. Panel Disc., S.P.I.E.
Tech. Symp. at San Diego, Calif., Aug. 24, 1977. Also: Optical Fabrication Workshop,
Opt. Soc. of Am., Framingham, Mass., June 9, 1978.
- "Unusual Optics of the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera" W.T. Plummer. Symp.
in honor of Prof. John Strong, Univ. Mass., Amherst, March 1981.
- "Unusual Optics of the Polaroid SX-70 Land Camera" W.T. Plummer. Visiting
Physicist lecture, A.I.P., at the Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, May 1981.
- "Optics at Polaroid" W.T. Plummer. Physics Dept., Chekiang Univ., Hangchow,
China, September 1981.
- "Use of Optical Concepts to Design and Tolerance Non-Optical Parts of the
Photographic System" W.T. Plummer. Opt. Soc. of Am. mtg. on Applied Optics,
Rochester, NY, May 1982.
- "Frontiers of Optical Engineering" W.T. Plummer. S.P.I.E. Mtg., Cambridge,
Mass., Nov. 1984.
- "Generalized Aspheres in High Volume Camera Production" W.T. Plummer.
Opt. Soc. of Am. Fall Mtg., Washington, DC., Oct. 1985.
- "Unusual Optics in Polaroid Photography" W.T. Plummer. Am. Assoc. of
Physics Teachers, sectional mtg., Keene, NH, Nov. 1985.
- "Generalized Aspheric Surfaces in Polaroid Photography" W.T. Plummer.
Soc. of Phot. Sci. and Engrs., Ann. Conf., Minneapolis, May 20, 1986.
- "Generalized Aspheric Surfaces in Polaroid Photography" W.T. Plummer.
Univ. of Rochester Inst. of Optics, Colloq., Feb. 4, 1987.
- "Obecné asférické cocky v polaroid-fotografii"
W.T. Plummer. INTERKAMERA Aplikovaná Optika '87, Prague, March 1987.
- "Non-Rotational Aspheric Lens Surfaces in Polaroid Photography" W.T.
Plummer. Inventors Assoc. of New England, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., April 1987.
- "Non-Rotational Aspheric Lens Surfaces in Polaroid Photography" W.T.
Plummer. Opt. Soc. of Am. and Soc. of Phot. Sci. and Engrs., ann. joint dinner mtg.
of New Eng. chapters, Waltham, Mass., Feb. 16, 1989. Tucson chapter, Opt. Soc. of
Am., Univ. of Arizona, Dec. 1989.
- "Strings, Ropes, and Infrasonic Resonances, with Applications to Underground
Caverns" W.T. Plummer. Mechanical Engineering Colloquium, M.I.T., Cambridge,
Mass., Oct. 30, 1992.
- "Precision Engineering at Polaroid" W.T. Plummer. Weekly Seminar, Precision
Engineering Section, Natl. Inst. of Sci. and Tech., Gaithersburg, MD, Nov. 10, 1992.
- "Diffractive Optical Elements in the Real World" P.P. Clark, C. Londoño,
and W.T. Plummer. Optical Design for Photonics Topical Mtg., Opt. Soc. of Am., Palm
Springs, CA., March 1993.
- "Precision Mechanical Assembly Issues in Polaroid Photographic Products"
W.T. Plummer. ARPA Workshop on Precision Assembly, La Jolla, CA., July 1993.
- "System Design and Manufacturing Issues" W.T. Plummer. Panel disc.,
Systems and Instrumentation Technical Group Mtg., Opt. Soc. of Am., Toronto, Oct.
6, 1993.
- "Industrially Relevant Applications of Precision Engineering to Consumer
Products" A.H. Slocum and W.T. Plummer. M.I.T. Symposium on University-Industry
Research Partnerships, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 4, 1993.
- "Precision Mechanical Design Experiences in High-Volume Polaroid Cameras"
W.T. Plummer. Mechanical Engineering Colloquium, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., March
15, 1994.
- "Innovations in Design for Manufacturing in the High Volume Camera Business"
W.T. Plummer. Defense Science Research Council / ARPA Workshop on Low Cost Uncooled
Infrared Systems, La Jolla, CA, July 6, 1994.
- "Precision: How to Achieve a Little More of it Even After Assembly"
W.T. Plummer. Fifth International Symposium on Robotics and Manufacturing, Wailea,
Maui, HI, Aug. 16, 1994.
- "Optical Design Concerns of some Unusual Polaroid Cameras" W.T. Plummer.
Symposium on Optical Systems and Instrumentation, Opt. Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting,
Dallas, TX, Oct. 3, 1994.
- "Precision Engineering at Polaroid" W.T. Plummer, J.J. Mader, J.W.
Roblee, and J. Van Tassell. 8th International Precision Engineering Seminar, Compiègne,
France, May 15, 1995.
- "Beyond Raytracing" W. T. Plummer, Opt. Soc. of Am. Annual Meeting,
Portland, Oregon, Sept. 13, 1995. (Tutorial)
- "Advanced Uses for Injection-Molded Plastic Optical Components" W.T.
Plummer, Conference on Optical Manufacturing Technology, Dept. of Optics and Optoelectronics,
Beijing Institute of Technology, China, Sept. 3-4, 1996. Photograph
- "Some Controversial Topics in Opto-Mechanical Design" W.T. Plummer,
LEAP session on the Product Development Process, CLEO mtg., Baltimore, MD, May 21,
- "Precision Engineering at Polaroid" W.T. Plummer, J.J. Mader, J.W.
Roblee, and J. Van Tassell. Am. Soc. for Precision Engineers Annual Meeting, St.
Louis, Missouri, Oct. 27, 1998.
- "Unusual Optical Designs and Components in Polaroid Cameras" W.T. Plummer,
Physics Dept. Seminar, Harvard University, Nov. 4, 1998.
- "Unusual Optical Components in High-Volume Polaroid Products" W.T.
Plummer, Rochester chapter, Opt. Soc. of Am., Feb. 2, 1999.
- "Unconventional Optics for Commercial Applications" W.T. Plummer, Staff
Colloquium, Natl. Inst. of Standards and Tech., Gaithersburg, MD, Oct. 1, 1999.
- "System Design for Manufacture: the Polychrome Laser Diode Platform"
W.T. Plummer, Symposium, The Future of Manufacturing: New Developments in Technology
and System Design, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, M.I.T., Cambridge,
Mass., April 19, 2000.
VIEW the annotated pictorial slides as HTML
- "Free-form Optical Components in Some Early Commercial Products" W.T.
Plummer, Keynote Address, Winter Topical Meeting, Free-Form Optics: Design, Fabrication,
Metrology and Assembly, Am. Soc. for Precision Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC,
Feb. 4, 2004:
VIEW the annotated pictorial slides
VIEW the extended abstractas
- "Free-form Optical Components in some Early Commercial Products" W.T.
Plummer, Tribute to Warren Smith: A Legacy in Lens Design and Optical Engineering,
SPIE Conference on Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, Aug. 1, 2005.
VIEW the annotated pictorial slides
- "Two Easy Pieces: a Double Program with Two Presentations" I. Physics
of the Pinhole Camera. II. A New Way to Mold Aspheric Lenses for the Infrared. W.T.
Plummer, New England Section / Opt. Soc. of Am., Lexington, MA, Sept. 21, 2006. Announcement
- "A Cool New Way to Mold Infrared Lenses" W.T. Plummer, Optics &
Optoelectronics Session Keynote Address, iMAPS New England Annual Symposium, Boxborough,
MA, May 1, 2007.
- "A New Way to Mold Freeform and Structured Optical Surfaces" W.T. Plummer,
Seminar, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, University of Colorado
at Boulder, Feb. 7, 2011. View Announcement ...View
Video ... Download Slides
- "A New Way to Mold Lenses with Freeform and Structured Surfaces" W.T.
Plummer, Spring Topical Meeting, Structured and Freeform Surfaces, Am. Soc.
for Precision Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte, March 7, 2011.
- "Polachrome Laser Diode Platform" W.T. Plummer and J.W. Roblee, New
England Section / Opt. Soc. of Am., Auburndale, MA, Oct. 18, 2012. Announcement
- "Freeform Optical Surfaces in Commercial Products and New Molding Process
for the Infrared" W.T.Plummer, Colloquium, Institute of Optics, University of
Rochester, Rochester, NY, Oct. 28, 2013. Announcement
- "Experience in the Design and Manufacture of Freeform Lenses" W.T.
Plummer, 2018 International Forum on Precision Digital Manufacturing and the Future
of Visual Science and Optometry, Beijing, China, April 7, 2018.
- "Some Milestones in the Design, Development, and Manufacture of Freeform
Optics", W.T. Plummer, Plenary Address, AOMATT 2018, 9th International Symposium
on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies, ChengDu, China, June
26, 2018. Download slides.
- "Surface Quality Requirements for 3D Printing Lenses and Mirrors" W.T.
Plummer, The 3rd Shanghai Additive Manufacturing Association International Forum
& 2018 World 3D Printing Annual Meeting, Shanghai, China, Oct. 26-28, 2018. Download Slides. Photograph.
- "Disruptive High Precision Projection Micro-Litho-Stereo Exposure (Pulse)
3D-Printing Capacity and Applications" W.T. Plummer and Zhifei Zhang, The 4th
Shanghai Additive Manufacturing Association International Forum & 2019 "Belt
and Road" 3D Printing and Intelligent Manufacturing Annual Meeting, Shanghai,
China, Aug. 16-18, 2019. Download Slides. Photograph